Worlds Elsewhere Theatre Company

Recent Production

George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion

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Welcome to our 2024 Season mainstage winter play: the classic Pygmalion, by George Bernard Shaw. Directed by Sam Marchiony and adapted by Ilana Greenberg-Sud and Sam Marchiony. A satirical discussion of class and gender, this play stands the test of time.

Presented with a willing subject in Eliza Doolittle, Henry Higgins makes a bet that he can turn a common flower girl into a lady of high society. But when Eliza finds her voice, he might not be prepared for what she has to say.

WETC Merch Now Available!

Some exciting news: our merch shop is finally live, just in time for your holiday shopping! We already have logo shirts and pins, posters from our most recent mainstage shows, and the much requested #CornAtOurPrice hat from Coriolanus!

Native Lands Acknowledgement

Worlds Elsewhere Theatre Company is based in New York City, Seattle, and the Central California Coast, on lands home to the Munsee Lenape, Duwamish, and Coast Salish peoples.

More public announcements and resources can be found on our Resources page.

Keep in Touch

Worlds Elsewhere is actively seeking new productions written for the Socially Distant era of theatre. Watch this space and our socials for more information about all our upcoming projects!